The original hostel block has been modified up to a commendable level It houses all the senior students, while another one, sponsored by the PTA accommodates the junior boys, and the ground floor serves as the junior refectory
Current Staff and Students Population: MBJ is well staffed -covering all the areas.
This is confirmed in the student’s performance, The student population is quite encouraging because MBJ is only for Catholic boys.
MBJ has, like a little mustard seed, sprouted, grown, and become a citadel of learning. Juniorate has produced many men to reckon with in the fields of Medicine, Science, and Technology, the Legal profession, Education, Banking and Finance ManufacturiJuniorateTheng Industries, and most importantly, in the Church. MBJ has been relevant to both the Church and society. The X-Jays (Old Boys) are men of integrity found everywhere in the world -Australia,  U.K., China, Brazil, and South Africa name it, making a tremendous impact.
Coming thus far in the last fifty years MBJ is poised to move into the next fifty years with renewed vigor and determination to excel. To God be the glory!