The school management, in collaboration with the Heads of Departments and teachers, places emphasis on the academic performance of the students. Each term’s plan has a provision of one Continuous Assessment Test, weekly assignments, class work, projects, checking of notes, oral presentations, quizzes, role play, dialogues, group discussion, weekly press club news, debate, departmental lectures, and excursions.

The student’s performance/progress on written exercises like weekly assignments, lists, etc, are reviewed after each exercise, and corrections are done in the classroom.

Students of the school with special needs (academic challenges) are identified by their class/subject teachers. They are further assisted through official personalized teaching and extra lessons in subjects where they demonstrate weakness this kind of student is also helped to adjust through counseling programs and therapy provided by the school Counsellor, headed by a Reverend Sister.

To reinforce what is learned in the classroom, the school organizes (practical lessons and educational) excursions for the students. ‘The student-teacher ratio falls within 15:1, this is to ensure effective teaching and learning. There is also a provision in the school timetable for reading periods for the students to develop/improve their reading culture. After the teaching and learning process is over, the school timetable has daily two intensive periods: one in the evening and the other, late in the evening. There is also a period of rest (siesta) and recreation. Productive punishment/counseling measures are given to disobedient students.