Discipline goes hand-in-hand with morality, Morality had been, and remains of a high standard in the Juniorate, Before and after the war, parental and societal influence were not allowed to disrupt the plan of the school Bad eggs were flushed out Irrespective of their parent’s social status. Those days, students were exposed to manual work such as going to get firewood from the surrounding bushes, (with the school truck), getting palm nuts, and the like of it. Discipline in MBJ has remained what it is, and one could rightly describe the school as a «Spartan School”. It had always been the bedrock of Catholic secondary schools.
Interestingly, the conduct of the MBJ students at home spoke more for the school than their academic performance. They were doing so well generally at home, that their conduct became very admirable and many parents began to send their children, especially from
Enugu/Nsukka areas.
The initial formation of the student Brothers has been maintained to date, In the last A1I Marist Schools Sports and Arts Festival held in Abuja, MBJ got the most-cherished award of the best-behaved school. Earlier this year, in the National Milo Basketball Competition, MBJ was again awarded the “Best-Behaved School�? in the 2015 National Milo Basketball Competition.
Academic Performance:
The academic performance has continued to be wonderful. In the ’80s and ’90s, MBJ was one of the best schools in Nigeria. One such result in 1995 was extraordinarily so good that WAEC delayed the result till such a time when they sent two independent teams of inspectors to check all the students’ internal results, mock examinations inclusive, sitting arrangement, and they equally administered on-the-spot sample fests to the next set that would take external examinations. After the exercise, they declared what they saw as the best they had ever seen in the country, and with no further delays, released the results intact!
MBJ got the fourth position nationwide in the 2008 WAEC result and the then Director, Br. Vincent Abadom, in the company of the Deputy Director, Mr. Philip Ekwueme, a former PTA Chairman Mr. Chuks Osadume, the current Director, Br. Ifeanyi Mbaegbu, went to the then Sheraton Hotels, Abuja, to receive an award given to the school by the Times Magazine in December 2008.
MBJ is not resting on her oars! Just this year, the Director and some PTA executive members were in Lagos to receive an award from the Africa Brands Review for coning the fourth best in the 2014 WAEC examinations nationwide. The 2015 set made the best result in the history of MBJ (see 2015 Result Analysis), In last year’s (2014) Cowbell Mathematics Competition, MBJ took the second position in Abia State, This year again, MBI took the first position in the same Competition in the whole of Abia State. In the Junior Science Olympiad for 2015 in Imo State, MBJ took the first position The list is inexhaustible! Obviously, MBJ students can satisfactorily defend their results anywhere and at any point.
The discipline passed on to the students extends to examination ethics. The arrangement of the examination halls and the vigilance of the teachers make it difficult, or even impossible for any misconduct, In the case of any malpractice, the student is made to step down one class. This, having been inculcated in the: students make examination malpractice a foreign language in the Juniorate. Our zero tolerance for examination malpractice is not negotiable!
Computer Compliant: The Marist Brothers of Nigeria has always ensured that all their schools meet up the standard of educational requirements in the country. MBJ is not an exception. From the outset of ICT in the school system, the MB] students had been exposed to both theory and practice to the world of computer ICT. The first set to be registered for Computer Science in 2014 WASSCE, all the city-three (83) candidates presented for the examination made A’s. This year, again, all the one hundred and twenty-one (121) candidates made A’s.
Laboratories: Since the early ’70s, MBJ has had standard Chemistry and Physics laboratories. Subsequently, Biology, Agricultural Science, and air-conditioned Computer laboratories were put in place.
Today, MBJ can boast of excellent laboratories that are among the best in the country. Technology workshops and Arts studios can also be found in this school.